Monday, October 1, 2012


         Hello readers! Today I'm going to write for all the people that want to enter in the world of the social websites, giving some advices and saying what I think about them.

         I have Tuenti and I use quite often, but, I don't have other social websites like Facebook,Twitter or any other, so mostly I'm going to explain Tuenti's advantages and desadvantages.

        At the beginning Tuenti like any website is a bit difficult to use, but, when you start using a bit you learn fastly. When you enter you have a principal page where you can see how many visits you have if anybody have written a comment or a message to you or if someone send you a event or a page. At the top there are different options such as home, profile, messages, people and games. In the profile you can view how is your profile; on the messages there appear the private messages that people sent to you; on people the all your friends that you have and on the games you can play against your friend.

        But Tuenti doesn't have only advantages, it has some disadvantages too. When people create the account they don't know changing the settings and if you don't change all the people of Tuenti can see your profile and in your profile you can have photos or comments that other people shouldn't see.

      As a conclusion, I say to all the people that you want to create Tuenti or other social website that is useful to create one, but you should have a bit of careful with the things that you upload because all that get saved in internet.

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